
Cold Tomato Soup

INGREDIENTS (serving 4)

400g mixed ripe tomatoes (cherry, Ox heart, camone)
4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
1 small potato
1 bunch basil
40 g of natural yogurt
Salt to taste
chili to taste


Prepare the tomatoes: carve on the bottom and dip them in boiling water for a few seconds, so you can easily remove the skin; peel and cut into large touches. Heat the oil in a pan with the garlic, add the tomatoes and potatoes cut into chunks and cook for about twenty minutes, until the water of the tomatoes will be almost completely evaporated. In the eman time mix together yogurt half of the basil, a pinch of salt and pepper. Puree the soup, pour in four cups and add in each a spoonful of yogurt and a few basil leaves. Serve cold or warm.

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