Swordfish Loin Slice
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Swordfish Loin Slice


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Swordfish live throughout much of the world's oceans. They are found in the Indian, Atlantic, Pacific Oceans. They seem to prefer warmer waters, but are found at a variety of temperatures. They will generally migrate to warmer waters in winter and cooler waters in the summer. They can be found at varying depths in the ocean as well, including the surface where they sometimes jump out of the water in an activity called breaching.

Swordfish are big fish. The females are quite a bit larger than the males. The largest swordfish ever caught weighed 1,182 pounds. It's believed that they may grow as large as 14 feet long and 1,400 pounds.

Besides their long bill and large size, swordfish have a large crescent shaped tail (caudal) fin, a tall front dorsal fin, a second much smaller dorsal fin, and pectoral fins. They have large eyes and no teeth. The top of their body is silvery gray-blue to brown while the bottom or belly is cream colored.

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