San Marzano DOP 950gr Peeled Tomato

San Marzano DOP 950gr Peeled Tomato


The Pomodoro San Marzano DOP of the Sarnese-Nocerino is the King of Tomatoes. It has elongated and bilobed shape, a deep red color and yellowish streak, it’s the only one that will not shatter during the manufacturing cycle, even if it’s very delicate for this process, remains intact in the jar, so with the Tomato San Marzano peeled you can get a high quality and supreme flavor. Main characteristic of the quality of the San Marzano are the hot land of Vesuvius and the favorable environmental conditions due to the mild climate because ofthe proximity of the sea. It’s born from three varieties of plants that were quite wide spread at the beginning of the last century in Sarno and throughout the Agro Sarnese-Nocerino: the Fiascona, the Fiaschella and King Umberto. The Pomodoro San Marzano produced by F.lli Manfuso at "Conserve Manfuso" comes directly from the land of Sant 'Antonio Abate, Angri, San Marzano sul Sarno, Pompeii, Sarno and San Valentino Torio. This is processed by hand work, from peeling until the topping and juice in glass jars. For sterilization the process is made by bain-marie. The process of production of the San Marzano tomatoes is under the control of Is.Me.Cert, the certification institution by the Ministry of Agriculture. To certify a Pomodoro San Marzano DOP of the Sarnese-Nocerino is necessary three tags on the label: - the DOP obtained by the acknowledgement in 1996; - Is.Me.Cert Mediterranean Institute of Certification ( By Ministry); - Label of the Consortium of San Marzano (born in 1999), of which Manfuso join since 2001.


Tomato San Marzano DOP from Agro Sarnese-Nocerino, San Marzano tomato juice.

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