La Rosa di Gorizia Radicchio
The “Gorizia’s Rose” is a rare and unique red chicory a true gastronomic specialty in Italy.
The Rose Chicory has an intense flavor, slightly bitter, crisp, the color is bright red with variegated shades towards pink or garnet red.
Gorizia sits on the left bank of the river Isonzo, on the alluvial plain it created and it is surrounded by hills of Eocene origin that, to the east belong to the Republic of Slovenia, while to the northwest, make up the Collio, famous for its wines and agricultural products. The wide variety of environments and cultures that gravitate on it has produced over the centuries a rich and varied gastronomic tradition. In the urban vegetable gardens and in the agricultural areas located on the outskirts of the city, a local variety of red chicory (Cichorium intybus) has been cultivated since immemorial time, similar to a rose that has just blossomed: the Rosa di Gorizia.
In October, the Rose reaches the optimal size and the color of the leaves turns from deep green to reddish with the first frost. Its heart is protected by the larger outer leaves that protect it from the frost. At this stage it is ready for harvesting. The Rose is collected in bunches or in boxes with roots and is stored in sheltered areas to protect it from frost that would compromise the vitality necessary for the subsequent processing in which the radicchio is placed on a warm bedding allowing complete maturation . This last procedure lasts from 15 to 20 days. Each January is the annual flowering of this exclusive red radicchio-chicory.
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