


Price per Pack 500g

Strozzapreti are an elongated form of cavatelli, or hand-rolled pasta typical of the Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Marche and Umbria regions of Italy as well as in the state of San Marino. Durum wheat semolina pasta - Hand made using Rough Drawplates. Making pasta is an ancient tradition at Fara S. Martino (Abruzzo), thanks to the favorable climate, pure water and good air. This is not modern pasta. It is made exclusively using the ancient Fara S. Martino recipe, the best semolina and spring water and bronze rough drawplates with low-temperature drying and low output rates. Just as it was once done by hand.


INGREDIENTS: Strozzapreti 250g, Celery 40g, Carrots 40g, Onions 40g, Garlic 1 clove, Cherry tomatoes 200g, Tomato puree 300g, Extra virgin olive oil 30g, Salt up qb, Black pepper as needed.

FOR THE OCTOPUS - Octopus 700g, Laurel 2 leaves, Juniper berries 4, Garlic 1 clove, Pink pepper in 5g   grains, Salt up to taste

PROCEDURE: In a saucepan, boil some water, add the bay leaf, juniper berries, the slightly crushed clove of garlic and the pink pepper: dip the octopus completely and cover with a lid. Cook over a low heat for about 10 minutes. However, you can check the consistency and cooking of the octopus when cooking is almost complete, using a toothpick or the prongs of a fork. When it is cooked, drain it, helping with a skimmer. Transfer it to a colander to drain excess water and let it cool. Place it on a cutting board and cut it in half to facilitate the preparation. Cut the final part of the tentacles to keep the curled shape that you have obtained and the remaining part cut into pieces of the same size. Keep the octopus so obtained aside. Continue with the preparation of the other ingredients of octopus ragù. Wash the tomatoes well and cut the four segments that you keep aside. Then make a finely chopped celery, carrots and onion, clean the garlic and divide it in half. In a non-stick frying pan with high sides, brown the garlic with the oil. When it is golden, remove it. Now sauté, browning also the celery, carrots and onion. Mix the ingredients to prevent them from sticking to the bottom. Add the octopus pieces and brown them for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Take care to continue mixing them to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan. Then add the tomatoes. Also add the tomato sauce and cook over a very sweet heat for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the pasta in a pan with plenty of salted water. After the necessary time, the octopus ragù will be ready. Season with salt and pepper. Drain the pasta al dente directly in the pan with the sauce, mixing the ingredients well to make the sauce absorb the sauce. So serve your strozzapreti octopus sauce, decorating if you like with the curled parts of the tentacles and slices of cherry tomatoes in plain sight!

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