Pecorino Senese Pepe
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Pecorino Senese Pepe


Price per 1 piece

The Caseificio Pinzani works exclusively with raw milk, not subjected, therefore, to any thermal treatment, but simply warmed up in order to allow its coagulation. The milk becomes a precious source of balms, the result of a unique posy of scents that each grass, each species, each flower contributes to create, maintaining those organoletptic and sensory properties essential to confer to the cheese its characteristic taste and aroma. A pecorino of rich and special taste, of broad and complex aromas and of unsurpassable qualities. This pecorino is aged about twenty days and then covered on the rind with plenty of ground black pepper that provides a pleasant contrast between delicate and sharp tastes. In ancient times, pepper was a highly prized spice and cheese with pepper was appreciated by the noble Sienese families since the 15th century.

To be tried grated on plain spaghetti sprinkled with pepper, for a poor-man’s recipe typical of our grandparents’ days: cheese and pepper spaghetti enjoyed with Frascati Superiore of Principe Pallavicini.

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