Organic Culatello of Cinta Senese
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Organic Culatello of Cinta Senese


Estimated Price per piece

Podere Bioamiata is the widest biological breeding of "Cinta Senese" in Italy and it extends on 240 ht. of woods and pastures between Val d'Orcia and Monte Amiata, above 700m. of altitude. Our main care embrace the revaluation and the protection of this specie, even with the continuos scientific advistance of City Universities like Firenze and Perugia. However, our main support for the whole productive cycle is nature, the only "added ingredient" fit to exalt the taste of our products.

It is made from the most valuable part of the pork leg, which is skinned, deboned and hand trimmed to give it its traditional pear shape. The raw material comes exclusively from pigs bred in Bio Amiata farm, in Val d'Orcia and is flavoured using sea salt and cracked pepper. The fat has a white colour turning into light pink short after cutting and is complimented with a clear brilliance consequence of the polyunsaturated fats.

Culatello should be eaten alone or served with white bread and a couple curls of butter. Due to its sweetness, it is best served at the beginning of a meal when your palate is fresh and clean of other flavors and aromas.

Average User Ratings.

Cinta Senese has a very complicated flavour. There is a kind of wood scent once it melts on your tongue. Love It on its own, with pecorino, and even with pork chop.

By Jackson Li

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