Clarified Butter 250g

Clarified Butter 250g


a tin of

What is clarified butter?
Classic butter contains 83% milk fat, 1% protein and carbohydrate, and 16% water. But when butter is used in the kitchen, the water evaporates and sometimes causes problems and imperfections: for this reason, the great chefs choose to clarify it. Clarifying the butter means removing the part of the water, carbohydrates and proteins.

Why choose clarified butter?
Clarified butter lasts longer
The presence of water inside the butter accelerates its expiration. By removing the water, the butter lasts longer without the need for any preservatives or additives. It is precisely for this reason that the expiry of clarified butter is much longer.

Clarified butter has a better yield
When the butter is heated, the water evaporates and therefore about 16% of what is put in the pot is lost. Using clarified butter, nothing evaporates, and therefore about 16% less can be used.

The clarified butter in the pan does not pop
How many times during the frying we have soiled the stove or our dress! This happens because the drops of water present in the butter "crackle" and splash. By cooking with clarified butter, which does not contain water, we will no longer have this problem.

Clarified butter does not blacken
When the butter is used in a pan, black dots appear after a short time: these are carbohydrates and proteins that are burnt. The clarified butter does not contain any and therefore will tend to remain clear and not to "dirty" your recipes.

 Clarified butter has a higher smoke point
This is a slightly more technical feature but no less important for this. In fact, with clarified butter you can fry at higher temperatures, obtaining better frying. 

Clarified butter does not contain lactose
Lactose is a carbohydrate which, together with proteins and water, is eliminated during the clarification of the butter.



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