Rangers Valley

Rangers Valley is one of the world’s most respected premium marbled beef producers. They specialise in long fed pure Black Angus and Wagyu breeds to bring you the highest quality, best tasting, consistently tender and delicious beef, every time.

Rangers Valley distinguished itself as the name behind premium marbled Black Angus and Wagyu beef for both the domestic and export markets. Producing exceptional marbled beef is the result of our passion and experience throughout the entire supply chain.

They are leaders in state-of-the-art feedlot operations, and wholeheartedly committed to caring for their cattle and investing in the future of our planet.

With consistent marbling scores and brands offering MB2+ to MB9+, Rangers Valley beef is renowned for it’s exceptional quality, incredible flavour and succulent, juicy tenderness.


The safety procedures at Australian export meat processing establishments are among the highest in the world, allowing Rangers Valley beef to be given the highest shelf life limits available.

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