Luigi Guffanti 1876

When great-grandfather Luigi Guffanti, in 1876, began to season Gorgonzola cheese, his brilliant intuition was to purchase an abandoned silver mine in Valganna, in the Varese province. In the mine, with its temperature and humidity constant year-round, the cheese matured so well that Luigi quickly cornered the markets: his sons, Carlo and Mario, at the beginning of the 1900′s, exported as far as Argentina and California, lands of Piedmont and Lombard emigration. Maximum attention to the handcrafted quality of the cheeses and passionate care taken in the refinement process mark the proud Guffanti-Fiori family tradition handed, down for five generations. Experience gained by processing the Gorgonzola has gradually been transferred to the Tomas of the Ossola Alpine pastures, the Reggiano Parmesan and all the cheeses.

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