White Cornmeal Biancoperla Flour for Polenta - Presidio Slow Food

White Cornmeal Biancoperla Flour for Polenta - Presidio Slow Food


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Present in Veneto since the seventeenth century, Biancoperla white corn was used still in the last century by a large part of the population, what about it he obtained the white polenta also known as “Treviso”, delicate and tasty. Thestone ground of white corn takes place today, as then, with a mill that preserves the wheat germ and the essential oils contained in it, to enhance the excellent organoleptic qualities of the product. Biancoperla white corn flour is a Slow Food Presidium and Borgoluce joining this Slow Food project, it helps to preserve the biodiversity of the territory and also a piece of its history.

Biancoperla white corn polenta is particularly good as an accompaniment to all dishes made with fish from rivers and lagoons – marson (bullhead), grilled fish, schie (lagoon shrimps) , moeche and masenete (hard- and soft-shell crabs), shrimps and baccalà (salt cod) – and it is also the main ingredient in two glorious traditional Veneto dishes: polenta e speo and polenta e osei. Can also accompany meaty and vegetarian stews.

Preparation of the white polenta:
1 liter of salted water brought to a boil, 200 grams of flour, a whisk to mix and a little patience: polenta is one of the most popular dishes simple and more versatile than our kitchen. We recommend cooking for at least an hour and a half.

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