Salame Schiacciata Piccante spicy sliced

Salame Schiacciata Piccante spicy sliced


1 package of

A fresh, piquant bouquet of chilli pepper exalted by fennel seeds. Spiciness reigns, tempered only by an aromatically seasoned soul.

The external appearance is free of mould and boasts a beautiful red accentuated by chili. When sliced the minced meat appears interspersed with lard cubes. The aroma is complex, combining the typical notes of sweetness of fennel seeds with the intense aroma of chili pepper. The taste is that of a deli meat of great character, sharp and balanced.

The schiacciata piccante is a salami of medium size, its shape is due to the fact that in some areas of Italy - where the climate is warmer and dry - a good and proper maturation would become difficult; so the human ingenuity overcame the hurdle making a crushed salami - smaller diameter best maturation!

The schiacciata piccante, besides marrying very well with the various types of bread typical of Italy - likes the pairing with potato pies or baked potatoes. For an exquisite first course cook the pasta in boiling water together with some sprouting broccoli. When cooked, drain everything together and sauté in a pan where a handful of strips of schiacciata piccante with extra virgin olive oil has been previously heated - a true delight.

Chili and especially fennel seeds are difficult to match, but the Prosecco with its fresh and floral notes is perfect to blend the persistent sweetness of fennel and round the spicy flavour of the chili pepper.

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