Buffalo Mozzarella 50g
Caseificio Ponte di Legno is a small producer located in Amaseno (FR) in Lazio region. Currently, about 500 buffalos are used for the production of mozzarella cheese, knots, braids, fresh ricotta and smoked, cheeses, scamorza, caciocavalli, smoked mozzarella, ricotta dried, smoked cheese, first white salt, spiced or seasoned, and the creamy cheese. The whole production is made exclusively with 100 percent of buffalo milk that is handcrafted raw without pasteurization.
We import our mozzarella di bufala (also called buffalo mozzarella) from Italy twice a week so you always get it fresh! Buffalo mozzarella is a mild, fresh, stretched-curd cheese made of very thin layers. It has an elastic texture at first and then it becomes softer and deeper in texture as it matures. Rich in calcium and high in protein and lactic flora substances, and with a high vitamin and mineral salt content, buffalo mozzarella is highly nutritional. Treccia Buffalo mozzarella is made in the same way as our classic buffalo mozzarella, and is therefore packed full of nutritional goodness, however it comes in the form of a plait!
The buffalo mozzarella has endless variations of preparation. It can be used in appetizers and salads, such as the famous "caprese" as ingradient for fillings, or pizza, but if you want to taste a delicacy, delicious and full of flavor, just serve buffalo mozzarella by itself, in its various forms , bocconcini, Aversa, braid, knots, cherries ... will satisfy the palates of gourmets with its simplicity and authenticity. To make the taste of mozzarella more delicate and less salty enough for a few seconds, rinse under running water just before serving the dish.
Being characterized only by natural ingredients, without preservatives or additives, the mozzarella has to be eaten fresh in few days since its manufacturing. To have a good storing it is necessary to keep the mozzarella inside the packaging, plunged in their steering fluid.
It is important to consume the cheese at room temperature since it looses a much of its flavour when cold from the fridge.
Average User Ratings.
Wonderful flavour and texture, delicious.
By Micheal Chan
By warren MAK
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