Broad Beans (Fava Beans)
Broad beans are one of the oldest cultivated vegetables known to man. They have been eaten as a staple food since medieval times. Broad beans are a member of the Legume family. Thick fleshy pods protect the edible seeds. Broad beans are a good source of protein and carbohydrate whilst low in fat, which makes them an ideal choice for vegetarian and low fat recipes. They are an excellent source of fibre, Vitamin C, folic acid, pantothenic acid and a good source of Vitamin A and niacin.
Shelled the beans, rinse them under running water, then let them blanch for 5 minutes in a pot full of water. Once cooked, drain and sauté for 5 minutes in a pan with two tablespoons of olive oil and a clove of garlic, so that they remain crisp. Salt, also joined the bacon and let it soften for 1 minute at low heat.
In the meantime, you heat the broth in a pot on the stove, and when it comes to a boil, salt it and throw the tortelli. Cook for about 5 minutes, until they float, then drain and transfer them into the pan with the beans and lard. Season with salt, complete with two pinches of black pepper and stir. Serve.
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